Juice Shop 13

Now with Coding Challenges!


Copyright (c) 2014-2022 BjΓΆrn Kimminich / @bkimminich


  1. Coding Challenges
  2. Cheat Detection
  3. Challenge Feedback
  4. Daily Project Stats

Coding Challenges

Pick a challenge!

Read the actual code!

Find the code flaw!

Select the right fix!

Fire confetti cannons!

Green up your Score Board!

Hints in "Find It" phase

Offer sequential hints when wrong lines are chosen

Hints in "Find It" phase

Offer sequential hints when wrong lines are chosen

Explanations in "Fix It" phase

Provide insight about correct and wrong fix choices

Explanations in "Fix It" phase

Provide insight about correct and wrong fix choices

Cheat Detection

Cheat Detection

Solved challenges are rated based on cheating probability

Accuracy Calculation

Count attempts vs. solves to identify "trial and error" users



(Coding challenges only!)

Challenge Feedback

Challenge Feedback

Rate hacking and coding challenges after solving them

Challenge Feedback

Convenient submission via Google Form

Daily Project Stats


left for the infamous ...

Juice Shop Success Pyramid™

Some amazing facts & stats about the project

Project Roadmap

Additional Information

Official Site




Copyright (c) 2014-2022 BjΓΆrn Kimminich / @bkimminich

Licensed under the MIT license.

Created with reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework

Fork reveal.js on GitHub