OWASP Juice Shop

Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application


Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Björn Kimminich | @bkimminich | infosec.exchange/@bkimminich

What is "OWASP"?!?

The Open Worldwide Application Security Project® (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. Through community-led open source software projects, hundreds of local chapters worldwide, tens of thousands of members, and leading educational and training conferences, the OWASP Foundation is the source for developers and technologists to secure the web.

Open Worldwide Application Security Project and OWASP are registered trademarks of the OWASP Foundation, Inc.

Why "Juice Shop"?!?

Translating "dump" or "useless outfit" into German yields "Saftladen" which is a compound word from "Saft" and "Laden". This reverse-translates into "juice" and "shop". Hence the project name.
That the initials "JS" match with those of "JavaScript" was purely coincidental!

Customer Testimonials

The most trustworthy online shop out there (@dschadow)
The best juice shop on the whole internet! (@shehackspurple)
Actually the most bug-free vulnerable application in existence! (@vanderaj)
First you 😂😂 then you 😢 (@kramse)
But this doesn't have anything to do with juice (@coderPatros' wife)

Click here for a happy path shopping tour!

Unsuspectingly browse the Juice Shop like Average Joe!

Hacking Challenges

Covering various vulnerabilities and serious design flaws

OWASP Juice Shop covers all vulnerabilities from the latest OWASP Top 10 and more.

Challenge Difficulty

There's something to do for beginners and veterans alike

Score Board

Challenge progress is tracked on server-side

Immediate Feedback

Solved challenges are announced as push notifications

Restore your Progress

Auto-saves your hacking progress and restores on server restart

Hacking Instructor

Some challenges come with an embedded interactive tutorial

Tutorial Mode

Gradually unlocking tutorials and the entire Score Board

Cheat Detection

Solved challenges are rated based on cheating probability

Coding Challenges

Identify the underlying code flaw and select an appropriate fix

Juice Shop is CTF-ready

Flag codes can optionally be displayed for solved challenges

Frictionless CTF-Events

All participants use individual Juice Shop instances anywhere, sharing only the flag code-ctfKey and a central score server.

CTF Extension

Utility project to help you host a hacking event on CTFd, FBCTF or RootTheBox

Simple Installation

Locally via npm i -g juice-shop-ctf-cli or as Docker container

Setup Wizard

Run juice-shop-ctf on the command line and let a wizard create a data-dump to conveniently import into CTFd, FBCTF or RootTheBox

Configuration File Option

Run juice-shop-ctf --config myconfig.yml to use non-interactive mode passing in configuration via YAML file

ctfFramework: CTFd | FBCTF | RootTheBox
juiceShopUrl: https://juice-shop.herokuapp.com
ctfKey: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bkimminich/juice-shop/master/ctf.key
countryMapping: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bkimminich/juice-shop/master/config/fbctf.yml
insertHints: none | free | paid
insertHintUrls: none | free | paid
insertHintSnippets: none | free | paid

Screenshots from CTF games

Your CTF score server instance will be ready-to-play in <5min

MultiJuicer Platform

Official platform to run separate Juice Shop instances for training or CTF participants on a central Kubernetes cluster

Custom JuiceBalancer

Restricts number of users to team members and protects against illicit cross-team instance access

Simplicity & convenience

Trivial registration, transparent instance stickiness, CTF-friendly score board out-of-the-box, automatic light/dark mode


Fully customizable business context and look & feel

Configurative Customization

Customize the application via a simple YAML file

  domain: juice-sh.op
  name: 'OWASP Juice Shop'
  logo: JuiceShop_Logo.png
  favicon: favicon_js.ico
  theme: bluegrey-lightgreen
  showVersionNumber: true
  showGitHubLinks: true
  numberOfRandomFakeUsers: 0
  altcoinName: Juicycoin
  privacyContactEmail: donotreply@owasp-juice.shop
  customMetricsPrefix: juiceshop
    twitterUrl: 'https://twitter.com/owasp_juiceshop'
    facebookUrl: 'https://www.facebook.com/owasp.juiceshop'

Choose your own inventory

The YAML configuration allows you to override all products

    name: 'Product Name'
    price: 100
    description: 'Product Description'
    image: '(https://somewhe.re/)image.png'
    useForProductTamperingChallenge: false
    useForChristmasChallenge: false
    fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge: ~
      - { text: 'Customer review', author: jim }
    name: 'Product with Lorem Ipsum description, filler image and random price'

Your config is validated on server startup to prevent broken or unsolvable challenges!

Modern Web-Architecture

JavaScript/TypeScript all the way from UI to REST API

Simple Installation

Comes with cloud, local and containerized run options

Multi-language support

Crowd-sourced UI translations for 40+ languages

Test Pyramid

Maximizing Test Automation & Code Coverage


DevOps Pyramid

Automated Build, CI/CD & Code Analysis

Integration Stacks

Convenient monitoring, notification and data integration capabilities

Solution Webhook

Sends a payload to a specified URL whenever a challenge is solved

    "solution": {
        "challenge": "localXssChallenge",
        "cheatScore": 0,
        "totalCheatScore": 0.15,
        "issuedOn": "2020-12-15T18:24:33.027Z"
    "ctfFlag": "b0d70dce...b85fac6785dba2349b",
    "issuer": {
        "hostName": "fv-az116-673",
        "os": "Linux (5.4.0-1031-azure)",
        "appName": "OWASP Juice Shop",
        "config": "default",
        "version": "12.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

Grafana Dashboard

JSON template allows to import a dashboard into Grafana consuming and displaying all metrics gathered via Prometheus


If FAQ & README don't help, ask for help in the chat. Please refrain from using GitHub issues for support requests.

Can I use my Pentesting toys?

Yes, definitely! Use whatever pentesting tools you like the most!

Proxies like Zed Attack Proxy or BurpSuite Free Edition can definitely be useful. Automatic tools like Arachni or Nikto might find some vulnerabilities but will obviously not be able to get the Score Board to 100% for you.

Can I do a white box pentest?

No! The code from GitHub would spoiler all challenge solutions!

You can of course use everything that the application hands to you in the browser, so use its DevTools! Peeking into the code snippets provided on the Score Board is fine, too. If you are a SAST tool vendor, you can obviously test your scanner against the Juice Shop codebase!

Can I use the internet?

Yes! Feel free to look for ideas, clues & hints everywhere!

Again: Except for the application's own GitHub repository! Also there are many third party solution guides and videos available online, so you might want to be careful about accidental spoilers.

Installation does not work!

Please carefully follow the instructions in the README!

If Setup & Troubleshooting docs don't help, you can always ask the community or open an issue!

What if I crash the server?

The application is cleanly reset on every startup!

Your Score Board progress is saved automatically and will restore after server restart! This only works if cookies are enabled in your browser.

I'm stuck with a challenge!

Find more hints in the free official companion guide on Leanpub

The eBook can also be read online. You can always ask for hints in the community chat as well!

I found another vulnerability!

Please report untracked vulnerabilities by opening an issue

Of course you can also contribute directly by opening a pull request. Just stick to the contribution guide!

Why are some challenges disabled?

Some challenges are actually harmful in containerized or public cloud environments and are deliberately disabled there

This affects all Stored XSS due to risk of abuse, all XXE challenges (because they can lead to instance death by segfault error) and the SSTi, Deserialization and some NoSQLi challenges (as they could have unforeseeable side effects on the hosting platform).

Can I contribute to the project?

Of course! Visit our backlog on GitHub & translations on Crowdin

Issues labelled with  good first issue  and/or  help wanted  are the best starting point!

This project really needs a jingle!

We fully agree! Thankfully, Brian Johnson already recorded one!

braimee · OWASP Juice Shop Jingle

This project REALLY needs NFTs!

We couldn't agree more!

Juice Shop Success Pyramid™

Some amazing facts & stats about the project

Project Roadmap

Additional Information

Official Site


Sourcecode https://github.com/juice-shop/juice-shop (MIT)
https://github.com/juice-shop/juice-shop-ctf (MIT)
https://github.com/juice-shop/multi-juicer (Apache 2.0) https://github.com/juice-shop/pwning-juice-shop (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Artwork https://github.com/OWASP/owasp-swag/tree/master/projects/juice-shop (CC-BY)

$ zip -r -q -9 postcard intro

Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Björn Kimminich / @bkimminich

Licensed under the MIT license.

Created with reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework

Fork reveal.js on GitHub